How to Attract Women in Mexico with Subtleties

Valentina Rodríguez
3 min readFeb 11, 2022


You probably haven’t had the best of luck when it comes to romance. Maybe you’ve been in relationships that haven’t been all that great, or maybe you haven’t been in that many relationships, if any, at all.

So you decide to try dating Mexican women. It’s not something you’ve done before, and maybe a change of scenery in a new country will kickstart something in you.

But there’s one little caveat: You don’t know how to attract women in Mexico. You might have some idea of how to attract women, but a lot of the sources you listen to are dubious at best, or they feel like whoever’s giving the lecture is overcompensating for having a romantic track record that’s even worse than yours.

So you’re kind of stuck. You don’t want to be overt about it because being loud and obnoxious might hinder rather than help. You want to attract women subtly. But you don’t know how to do it when there aren’t cultural or linguistic barriers in your way, so you definitely don’t know how to do it in Mexico. But it’s not as hard as you think.

Family values

So one of the most important cornerstones of Mexican culture is family. It’s everything down in Mexico, and if you’re going to date a woman from there, you’re going to have to show family values in the sense that you have to show that you want to start one.

But you also know that saying you want to start a family with someone on the first date is a great way to send them running for the hills, so you’re kind of at a loss for words to convey that you want to start a family.

Drop a hint or two that you’d be open to the idea of having children pretty soon. That makes you look like a guy who’s got his act together and is ready to settle down and be a family man without you being all self-congratulatory about it.

Drop some Spanish

Now, a lot of people who visit Mexico aren’t always the most fluent in Spanish. While a lot of people in Mexico can speak English, there’s more than a few that don’t. Besides, language is a very important part of a cultural identity.

So if you do find yourself down in Mexico, drop a little bit of Spanish because that shows that you’re ready, willing, and able to learn about some parts of the culture. It’s not overt, but it does show that you’re respectful of the local culture to some degree.

Now, even if it doesn’t actively help make you look more attractive, it’s not the kind of thing that’s going to actively repel a woman, either. It’s not like a woman is going to find you less attractive simply because you happen to be able to speak Spanish, unless your Spanish is just plain bad.

Being attractive is not a science. There’s no real formula or methodology behind achieving it. But those that do achieve it often do so subtly, without being loud or brash about it.

